India Sr. Women Hockey Team Won the First Match of the Korea Tour

May 20, 2019

After the great win in the Malaysia tour, the Sr. Women Hockey team India started the three-day match series at Korea. Both the teams played well and gave their best shots, and the first match of the series went very well and team India won with a score of IND 2-1 KOR.

Below are the highlights of the match:

Quarter 1 – In the first quarter team, India got the PC in the early minutes of the game. After some fantastic shots, finally a goal by Lalremsiami in the 11th minute. Team Korea also gave great shots at the goal by team India saved them all by showing their defensive skills and the score at the end of the first quarter was IND 1-0 KOR.

Quarter 2 – In the second quarter, team India was seeking for another goal scoring opportunities to strengthen their lead, but missed. Team Korea also seemed aggressive to get a lead, but all the great shots were saved. India got the second PC and gave a fantastic shot by Korean Goalkeeper saved it to avoid any further loss. So, in quarter two, both the teams were unable to score a goal, and the scoreline remained same at IND 1-0 KOR in the first half.

Quarter 3 – Team Korea got the PC at the beginning of the third quarter and a great shot too, but unfortunately it was off the target, and no goal was scored. In the next minutes, team India makes a great circle entry and again a goal in the 40th minute, this time by Navneet making the score IND 2-0 KOR at the end of the third quarter.

Quarter 4 – In the last quarter, team Korea got the PC and finally a goal by Shin Hyejeong in the 48th minute. Another PC to team Korea but team India’s played defensive well and didn’t let them score a goal and the last quarter ended with India leading the match with a score of IND 2-1 KOR.

Well done team India!

The next match is scheduled for 22nd May 2019 at 11:30 hrs (IST).

Keep watching this space for further updates of the match.

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