Now its Captain Rajpal Vs Coach Brasa

Indian Hockey Team finished 3rd Position this time and managed to get Bronze medal in Asian Games 2010. If we look around the performance on Indian Hockey Team in this Tournament, we can say that its not too bad but not good enough.
Indian Men’ Team Lost just 1 game out of 6, but that single loss to Malaysia was enough to crash not only the golden dream but also put a BIG Question mark on “Will India able to play in Olympics 2012?“, where as Pakistan was lucky enough to grab Gold and token for Next Olympics.
But; what has gone is gone now and as I said earlier our boys are able to get the best out of the rest by winning Bronze.
And now when whole  squad is back to home, its a sorry state again that instead of taking things in positive manner and planing about the next two main protagonists (Indian Team Captain – Rajpal Singh and Coach Brasa) have started accusation game on each other.
Indian Captain Blame that coach Jose Brasa humiliated him, and he is deeply hurt with the treatment meted out to him and there are reports that Captain is looking to give his resignation and will put the case in front of “Hockey India” (national federation of Hockey).  According to Rajpal Coach Brasa is humiliating him continuously since World Cup Tournament.
Captain exposed that he was making his mind to quit few months back but due to National Interest and big tournaments like CWG and Asian Games he didn’t resign.
Its important here to mention that before word cup Brasa was referering Prabhjot Singh as Indian Hockey Skipper but selection team appointed Rajpal Singh.

I was like 16th Player of the team despite of Captain and Coach never told me my reversibility while planning the games. I was not allowed to talk to any player without coach’s permission.  He has been humiliating me since Word Cup, Azlan Shah Cup to Asian Games.
I only kept myself quiet because of National Interest and tried to deliver my best, but now I want to put the case in front of Hockey India secretary general – Narinder Batra and will submit my resignation

But if we listen Coach Brasa’s Part of story:

“I have never humiliated a player in my life. I always favored the idea of having rotational captaincy like Australia. Rajpal is a brilliant player who could have played much better without the additional pressure of captaincy”, whereas he admits that he always preferred Prabhjot as skipper.

Coach Brasa is looking to leave today, because his contract as Indian Hockey Coach is completed.

“I have been very critical throughout my tenure and naturally officials did not like me. I don’t think that my contract will be renewed hence it is my last day in the country”

“Mr Chaterjee told me that Sports Minister ( MS Gill) will take a call on the renewal of the contract of all foreign coaches. It will take two-three weeks. Anyways I am leaving for Spain tomorrow and I don’t think that I will have any reason to come back to India”.

When asked about his experience as a coach in India, he simply said “A coach deserved better from the system. I wish Indian System will improve, here problem is with the system not the players, players are also suffering due to bad system here in India.”
Coach Brasa has even put a serious alligations on SAI, that they have not paid his dues properly. he was promised to pay certain bonus amounts on winning internations medals and about 8000 Euros was deducted from his account by mistake and they never paid him back.
Well after reading above quotes what will you think about our system… Questions are in front of us.. After-all who is responsible for all this mess-ups that happen again and again with our so called National Game Hockey?????


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