We all are excited about the Akshay Kumar’s Upcoming movie on Hockey Right? But rare of us know about the Legend who Inspired Akshay kumar’s Role in “Gold”. The Movies revolves around Krishan Lal Hockey Player, the captain of Indian Hockey team in 1948.
Biography: Krishan Lal(2 Feb 1917 to 1980) was an Indian Field Hockey Player who lead the Indian Hockey Team in 1948 and won the first gold at the Olympics. He was the best player and played important role in building up Indian Hockey Team for India. He started playing hockey as a 14-year-old and continued with the game through his life. After the long battle, India got Independence from the British and the 1948 Olympics was being held in London. It was really an unforgettable moment as India took part in Asian Games first time after the independence, But it was not easy, as India cut out Pakistan and a large number of skilled players moved to Pakistan. It was one of the biggest challenges for Indian Hockey Team to get a victory with the group of new players. But the Kishan Lal and the team were motivated to win gold with the Indian flag waving in the background. Indian Team under the guidelines of Krishan Lal played very well and beat all the competitors and victory had brought great honor to the Country. All this was with the contribution of Mr. Krishan Lal. He passed in 1980 at Madras. Being one of the most respected Hockey legends of the country, His death was mourned by many.